Green Schools Alliance is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to build and scale sustainability programs that make it easier for schools to do more, creating a healthier environment for our children. We depend on the support of individuals, foundations, and corporations to realize this mission and keep the programs FREE for Alliance members.
The Alliance offers several types of individual, corporate, and foundation sponsorship opportunities. Learn more
Green Depot is a leading supplier of environmentally friendly and sustainable building products, services and home solutions. They seek out the very best green building products and materials, with attention to factors such as recyclable content, local sourcing, low- or no-toxicity, and energy efficiency.
TreeRing is a different kind of yearbook company. They never cost schools money and students always get two free pages to personalize their yearbooks. Nothing sets them apart more than the promise to replenish what they use. They print on partially recycled paper and only produce the number of copies a school needs. Plus, every time they sell a book, they plant a tree.
Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB) sets the standard in equipment breakdown insurance and other specialty insurance and reinsurance coverages worldwide, with technical knowledge, superior risk solutions and customer commitment you can count on, backed by over 148 years of leadership.
eTemp® is an NSF-certified temperature sensor that is easily installed within existing large walk-in or reach-in cooler or refrigeration units. The eTemp® cooling units react to food/product temperature, not air temperature. This modification results in instant 20% savings in energy consumption and reduces the compressor-cycle load by up to 50%.
AutoBeGreen supplies environmentally friendly, practical and affordable products for automotive, truck, tractor, equipment, fleets, small engine and more. All AutoBeGreen products contribute to a reduced carbon footprint for the planet.
Dopper’s mission is to achieve a world in which people are conscious of the environment we live in, where the amount of single-use plastic is reduced and where everyone, near and far, has access to safe drinking water.
Voltaic Systems is a portable power company that conserves resources by using environmentally preferable materials, making products modular for easy repair, choosing solar panels that have a long lifetime, and eliminating unnecessary packaging.
Three Twins Ice Cream produces inconceivably delicious organic ice cream that is affordable and accessible while giving back. Everything they produce is organic and served our scoops in compostable dishes with compostable spoons.
Bogobrush makes recyclable and biodegradable toothbrushes. Their plant-based bioplastic is mixed with leftover plant material from american farms to create a beautifully biodegradable toothbrush handle. Withe each toothbrush you buy, one is given to somone in need.
Jamcare's mission is to provide the best medical care available, specializing in crisis intervention, drug education, community support and wellness to attendees at music festivals, other mass gatherings and to the community at large.
Rivanna Natural Designs creates and builds unique recognition products that honor our planet and celebrate the beauty of nature. Their elegant, planet-friendly awards will breathe new life, energy, and meaning into your award programs.
Friends of the National Conservation Training Center actively supports the mission of the National Conservation Training Center by supporting their community outreach programs and extending the reach of this world-class facility.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Retirees Association recognizes and preserves the rich history of the U.S. FWS and the many contributions of its present and past employees, to foster the preservation and use of the historical treasures, documents, objects and information of the Service’s unique history and values.
Potomac Valley Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society and draws its members from Jefferson, Berkeley, and Morgan counties in West Virginia and Washington County, Maryland. PVAS's programs and activities are focused on promoting greater understanding and appreciation of the natural world.
Conserve School is aimed at students who feel a strong attachment to the natural world and who are motivated to conserve it. This semester-long immersion in environmental studies and outdoor activities deepens students’ love of nature, reinforces their commitment to conservation.
Chewonki Semester School provides a challenging academic program for a small number of highly motivated and academically capable students. Students live on a 400-acre peninsula, and connect to the natural world while linking practical experiences to the intellectual work of academic pursuits.