The Green Schools Alliance District Collaborative is a council of public school districts, represented by their district sustainability professionals, working together to harness the collective power of schools to support greener, more efficient solutions. The Collaborative is comprised of 27 U.S. school districts - 9 of which are the 14 largest districts in the country. Collectively, these districts affect the lives of 4+ million children in 6,088 schools with more than 600 million square feet of building area. The members of this council build and share best practices, leverage their combined purchasing power to increase access to sustainable alternatives and promote market transformation, and influence national policy decisions.


The District Collaborative's mission is to leverage our collective knowledge, experience, and influence
to accelerate the implementation of sustainability principles that incorporate
sound environmental, economic, and equitable decisions in schools





our collective purchasing power to increase access to sustainable alternatives


local, regional
and national
policy decisions


to the development
of the Alliance's
district-level programs


best practices
at a
district level


The District Collaborative’s first major project is work within the Alliance to help launch the Sustainability Tracking and Roadmap Tool (START), a web-based reporting platform that will improve data collection and reporting of energy and resource efficiencies and other sustainability programs in member schools. The platform’s quantitative approach enables districts to share energy, water, and waste information with their schools to encourage conservation behavior.

You can support the District Collaborative's projects by becoming a Sponsor of Green Schools Alliance.



Movement of the Moment award - District Collaborative
Pictured above (L-R): Jenny Seydel, Executive Director, Green Schools National Network
Mark Jones*, Recycling & Solid Waste Director, Clark County School District (Nevada),
Sharon Jaye, Former Executive Director, Green Schools Alliance
Francine Locke*, Environmental Director, The School District of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania),
Rachel Gutter, Director, Center for Green Schools
       *Co-Chairs of GSA District Collaborative

The Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council, in collaboration with the Green Schools National Network, announced the 2016 Best of Green Schools award recipients at the Green Schools Conference & Expo on April 1, 2016.


The Green Schools Alliance District Collaborative was recognized in the "Moment for the Movement" category.

The "Moment for the Movement" category recognizes event, initiatives, or happenings that significantly advanced the green schools movement. The Best of Green Schools awards recognize 11 individuals, institutions, projects and events representing the best environmental efforts in schools across the country and highlight the national leaders and innovators in school sustainability for the year. 


Districts of any size are eligible to join the District Collaborative advisory council. The district must have at least one full-time person dedicated to sustainability efforts at the district level, and a superintendent and/or high-level administrator must sign the GSA Sustainability Leadership Commitment.  For more information, please email



Brittney Albin
Brittney Albin
Sustainability Coordinator
Lincoln Public Schools, NE

Karen Aubry
Karen Aubry
Environmental Specialist
School District of Palm Beach County, FL

  Francine Locke
Francine Locke
Environmental Director
School District of Philadelphia, PA

Tresine Logsdon
Tresine Logsdon
Energy & Sustainability Curriculum Coordinator
Fayette County Public Schools, KY

Gretchen Gigley
District Partnership Manager
Green Schools Alliance