Exciting News 

Sc3 is Expanding!

After almost a decade of training incredible youth leaders, we are expanding Sc3 regionally to empower more students to make impactful change and better serve their schools and communities. Students will have the opportunity to become sustainability leaders through regional summits and online training tools.

We are working hard to revise our national Sc3 Congress at the National Conservation Training Center. We will not be holding Sc3 in 2021. Please check back with us soon!


Regional Summits

Our regional summits connect students with each other, inspire meaningful action, and build leadership skills. Participants learn a range of practical skills such as public speaking, teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, inclusivity, and conflict resolution.

These 1-3 day, low-cost, high-impact events include:
  • Open Space collaboration
  • Locally-themed workshops
  • Regional networking
  • Action Plan training
  • Learning opportunities with local experts

Stay informed! Learn more about attending, hosting, or sponsoring a Regional Summit.
Sign Up for More Info

National Congress

Student Conservation Corps & Congress (Sc3) is a week long leadership training program held annually at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) – the nation's top environmental training facility. Participants, also known as Sc3 Fellows, spend a week learning from world-renown experts as well as studying and discussing environmental, social, and economic interconnections to address natural resource conservation challenges affecting their generation in an ever changing world.
The mission of Sc3 to empower outstanding student environmental leaders with the skills, knowledge, and tools to address climate change and natural resource conservation challenges and better serve their schools and communities.


"Sc3 was a place where I found a community who was as committed to sustainability as I was, and that was a really rewarding experience. I went home with new friendships and a notebook full of new ideas to change my community. Plus, being surrounded by fireflies and people who love nature led to my newfound appreciation of bugs; it’s a whole world of creatures to love that I was introduced to at Sc3! " - Soumya
"Sc3 opened me up to a world where anyone can make a difference. I discovered that all over the country, and all over the world, there are people who value nature and who really believe we can save the world. It gave me a new perspective; it showed me people are small, but the differences they can make are big! "- Sarah
Sc3 was an incredible opportunity to meet people who are as passionate about sustainability as I am. It exposed me to an amazing network of extremely qualified and dedicated individuals who have inspired me to never give up in my environmental pursuits. They have taught me priceless things about the world I live in and just exactly what needs to be done to change it for the better." - Jax
"Sc3 was an absolutely amazing opportunity. Not only was it super fun doing activities and meeting interesting people, it also taught me a lot about the wonderful and complex world around me. Sc3 stresses the fact that everyone can be a part of changing the world. Sc3 made me love and care about the environment, and I would definitely recommend this incredible experience!!!" - Madeline
Sc3 provided me with a unique opportunity to spend an entire week with students all around the country who share my same interests and passions. I got to listen to fantastic speakers and spend time with amazing people who truly care about what they are doing. Sc3 helped to further provide me with the necessary skill set necessary to make tangible differences. It is a week I will never forget and I highly recommend applying." - Connor
"Sc3 was an absolutely amazing and eye-opening experience. I was able to connect on a deep level not only with students from all over America (and even some from other countries!), but also with faculty members, and even keynote speakers, because of the shared core values of conservation and sustainability. I've never been in such an inspiring environment before; everyone was so passionate about the same thing, and yet I was able to learn something new from everyone. I felt like I was capable of making a change, and Sc3 not only instilled in me the motivation and the skills I needed to do so, but also reminded me of the importance of collaboration." - Jessie
Instead of Student Conservation Corps and Congress, Sc3 could also stand for Students Committed to Creating Change! At Sc3 I was able to meet fabulous individuals who taught me that together, as a community, we can be the change this world needs. Come to Sc3 to make your pledge and find a support system of friends to back you up every step of the way. The future of this planet may look bleak at times, but after attending Sc3 you will develop the motivation, drive, and willingness to be part of the movement for change!" - Jessica
"Attending the Sc3 was one of the highlights of my year; as I explored my environmental passions, had discussions with other like-minded students and faculty, and heard from some amazing speakers, I became inspired to spark change in my own community. One very unique thing about Sc3 is that everyone who's there wants to be there, learn about conservation and the environment, give each other ideas, and encourage each other. Everyone was so inspiring with the things they had already accomplished, and the things they aspired to do. Sc3 was a supportive atmosphere for everyone, and I'm so thankful to have been a part of such a community." - Megan

Sc3 Fellow Awards

Each year special awards are given to Sc3 Fellows who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership and commitment required to make a lasting difference in their community and in the world.