Green Cup Challenge
Green Cup Challenge™ empowers students, raises awareness about climate change and resource conservation, and unites school communities around a common goal. We invite all K-12 schools to measure and reduce their ENERGY use, improve their RECYCLING and waste reduction programs, and activate student engagement by creating VIDEOS.
OnAir Challenge
OnAir Schools is a new program of the Alliance, a STEM-aligned initiative that inspires preK-12 students to take the lead on classroom challenges to reduce traffic and air pollution at their school. Using a digital platform to plan, implement and measure, students can engage their entire school community in taking actions that help save the air. Explore the AirCreds, Young Lungs at Work Art, and Sustainable Selfie challenges.
Other Competitions & Challenges
Check out a great list of other competitions and challenges in the Resource Center. Refine your search by checking "Grants/Awards/Competitions" under "Type of Resource".