We provide programs for sustainability champions to engage schools in creating measurable change.

Programs are marked for these participants: students= for Students   school professionals= for School Professionals  district professionals= for District Professionals  everyday champions= for Other Champions

Our online community allows sustainability champions to connect, collaborate, lead, and engage with peers through discussion forums, group spaces, private messaging, member blogs, news, and a crowd-sourced event calendar.

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Principals, heads of school, and superintendents make the GSA Sustainability Leadership Commitment to “set goals, take action, monitor and share progress”, laying the groundwork for transformation in their schools and communities.

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Our Green Cup Challenges and OnAir Schools programs raise awareness about climate change and resource conservation while connecting school communities. Students are empowered to take action, uniting them around a common goal.

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The District Collaborative is a council of sustainability professionals from public school districts in the U.S. who build and share best practices and use their collective leverage to promote market transformation.

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This procurement service makes it possible to save money on consumables on a user-friendly platform. Data-driven technology lets schools purchase high quality products and services while driving down the price of sustainable goods.

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Services range from basic energy monitoring to deploying cutting edge resource conservation measures designed to lower operating costs for schools while simultaneously educating students on energy and water management.

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Our resource center is a comprehensive online database with thousands of links to green-themed books, curriculum supplements, field trips, games, quizzes, competitions, grants, infographics, documentaries, and much more.

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Youth Leadership Events

Student Conservation Corps & Congress is an environmental training program that empowers student sustainability leaders by giving them the skills, knowledge, and tools to better serve their schools and communities.

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School professionals have access to development opportunities that enhance critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making skills. Building operators also gain the knowledge to become sustainability champions in their schools.

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Know your numbers. Our comprehensive, user-friendly measurement and reporting tools help you become aware of current energy usage and track efficiency and conservation efforts to achieve your school’s sustainability goals.

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Classroom campaigns help teachers get kids excited about environmental projects and take sustainability efforts to the next level. Students have opportunities to reach beyond the classroom and connect with their community.

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Programs in Development

We are working on a number of projects in continuous efforts to provide our community members with the best resources to achieve sustainability goals. Get a sneak peek and learn how to support our programs in development.

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