Sustainability Tracking and Roadmap Tool (START)
Launching in 2020, START is a sustainability tracking and roadmap tool that schools use to assess, identify, and track actions to meet their whole-school sustainability goals. This new standardized system helps schools methodologically create a more healthy and sustainable environment for learning based on the 3 principles of Whole-School Sustainability.
Utility Dashboard
The Green Schools Alliance Utility Dashboard, powered by Noveda, provides a 360° view of consumption patterns in real time. Users receive a basic dashboard connected to Energy Star Portfolio Manager; an online tool used to track energy and water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Dashboards can be customized to include a range of innovative solutions including 24/7 monitoring, advanced analytics, building controls, and waste reduction challenges.
Green Schools Alliance's advanced reporting and recognition program, called protostar, is a transparent, self-reporting tool designed for K-12 schools to accurately measure sustainability performance on several levels. As the name implies, it’s a stellar solution to achieving proper sustainability – and not just on the environmental level. Protostar is a powerful storehouse of data encompassing everything from energy efficiency, affordability, staff hiring and cost of living, to community service, economic well-being, even risk management.
Energy Star Portfolio Manager
You’ve heard it before: you can’t manage what you don’t measure. To get started tracking your buildings' energy and water usage while calculating your greenhouse gas emissions, use the Environmental Protection Agency's free tool, ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager®. Portfolio Manager is the nation's leading benchmarking tool and used in many cities for mandatory benchmarking laws. This benchmarking tool is FREE!!