Green Schools Alliance has partnered with Noveda Technologies to provide high-tech, user-friendly energy and water management tools to our member schools and districts (view the press release).
Utility Dashboard
The Green Schools Alliance Utility Dashboard, powered by Noveda, provides a 360° view of consumption patterns in real-time. Users receive a basic dashboard connected to Energy Star Portfolio Manager; an online tool used to track energy and water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Dashboards can be customized to include a range of innovative solutions including 24/7 monitoring, advanced analytics, building controls, and waste reduction challenges.Why Track?
Tracking consumption provides actionable intelligence to not only the facility team, but students and building occupants to encourage behavior change. This monitoring data helps schools and districts uncover the source of waste, gauge impact, optimize consumption, and create solutions for overall waste and energy reduction.According to the EPA, educational institutions in the US spend nearly $14 billion annually on energy. Of that amount, 30% is wasted or inefficiently used. Energy waste reductions put money back into schools that can be used for teacher salaries, textbooks, and computers.
Energy Saving Results
The Utility Dashboard enables users to do the following:- Monitor multiple energy sources (electric, gas, steam, oil, heating, cooling) from one dashboard, adjust settings to reflect occupancy and weather patterns, avoid demand peaks, and catch billing errors.
- Identify energy waste on a load-by-load basis. Submetering allows users to track return on capital expenditure, and measure verifies credits for LEED certification.
- Monitor energy consumption across multiple campus buildings from a single dashboard. The information is normalized for variables such as square footage to enable prioritizing of energy efficiency investments and aggregation of energy consumption across properties to negotiate better pricing.
- Maximize your investment in renewable energy such as solar PV/wind or geothermal.
- Track and meet target goals set by trustees, school commitments such as ACUPCC, STARS or the EPA Green Power Challenge.
Find out how Noveda customers have saved energy and sustained their savings over time in these case studies:
All Alliance member schools and districts can now deploy the Green Schools Alliance Utility Dashboard solutions and services with minimum to no up-front investment.
Learn more or schedule a live demo