Why You Should Switch To Clover Lawns!

clover lawn

Most people regard clovers as weeds among grass lawns, but did you know that clover lawns are much better for the environment? Benefits of clover lawns include less fertilizer use, less mowing needed, and less watering. Read on to learn more about the consequences of grass lawns and the benefits of clover ones!

Grass lawns have become a staple of American households, especially in suburban areas. However, they’re incredibly disruptive to the environment in several ways. Natural landscapes are torn apart to create space for lawns. Trees, shrubs, and other vegetation are removed to plant a single grass species, destroying habitats and reducing biodiversity. Further, grass lawns require tons of water and fertilizer to maintain, as well as frequent mowing, which emits greenhouse gases.


While natural, biodiverse backyards are always the best option for the environment, clover lawns are an eco-friendly compromise for traditionalists. They create the same atmosphere as grass lawns do but require far less maintenance.


Some benefits of clover lawns include:

  • Staying green all summer: In most regions of the US, clovers are relatively drought-tolerant, with little to no watering needed even during the summer months.

  • Little to no mowing required: Since clovers are low-growing, they don’t need much mowing to keep tidy.

  • They attract beneficial insects: Clovers attract insects like bees, which will help pollinate your garden, and parasitoid wasps — tiny, harmless insects that feed on pests like aphids and whiteflies.

  • They don’t require fertilizer: Clovers are legumes that fix nitrogen; essentially, they create their own fertilizer. They can even fertilize nearby plants!

  • They don’t need herbicides: Herbicides actually kill clovers. Clovers out-compete other weeds, meaning herbicides aren’t needed at all!

  • They grow well in poor soil: Clovers can tolerate a whole range of soil conditions.

  • They’re immune to dog patches: Typically, dog urine discolors grass lawns but do not affect clovers!

  • It’s cheap: Clover seed super inexpensive, costing on average $4 per 4000 square feet. If clover is already growing in your yard, you can let it grow and create a clover lawn for free!


For instructions and information on planting your own clover lawn, check out this site! https://www.treehugger.com/how-plant-clover-lawn-4858751


Sources: Dengarden 2019, Treehugger 2020

Image from Unsplash

Posted by Lena Wu on Jan 7, 2021 9:26 AM America/Chicago

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